My Life

I Love God, my family, friends and love life. Enjoy being around people and make friends. Enjoy cookingg and of course EATING!!!....ahahhaha.....absolutely love what i am doing right now....Love shopping!!!...sleeping...ZZZZZZZZ......and just relaxing with a cup of tea and cookies....

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bday cupcake project!!!

Hi there everyone....
gosh after so long...I'm finally back again....
Today's my lovely housemate's bday...happy birthday ADELINE...this post is for you...if you're reading...ehehhehe......For the rest who are reading this post, Ade is really such a sweet girl.....She's an excellent housemate, TV mate, chatting mate and of course just a great friend to me. Doesn't she look just beautifulllllll??....again Happy birthday girl, really look forward for the dinner this evening with you, I'm sure we'll have heapsssss of fun.....

Soooo.....roughly one month ago I decided to make a bday cupcake for her.....Karen( my other housemate) and I then decided to make this bday cake and it turned out well.....
I was inspired by another girl who made bday cake for one of my friend out of cupcakes and since then i decided that I want to make it for Adeline's bday too...coz i just thought that It's something different and it actually looks really cuteee....=).....We decorated with white chocolate which we added in pink colouring, milk chocolate, flowers made out of marshmallow fondant and I made my own chocolate balls. The cupcakes that we used were coffee cupcakes and Devil's foodcake cupcake...It turned out really nice...All thanks to Karen too who decorated the decorating chocolate really nicely....check out all the decos we put was really a fun project...wouldn't mind making it again for another friend's bday if the opportunity comes up.....

ok.....guess that's all from me for now..very sleepy and I'm really going to bed soon...I'll write more about our food adventure tomorrow....chaoooo....

Sunday, October 15, 2006

first attempt at cake deco...

Hi I am writing a bit about my weekend and my baking experience through the weekend...
I made pandan chiffon cake on Saturday.....that was my second attempt and I turned out wayyyy better than my first first chiffon cake just look and tasted's tooooo green coz I put too much pandan essence and it's not quite that "chiffon-y" if you get what I mean. But this attempt was fantastic....well we learn from our mistakes dont we....I used the wrong flour and the temperature was too high....

So this is the recipe:

Ingredients 1:
-200 gr egg white ( around 5 large eggs)
- 150 gr castor sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon cream of tar tar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

Ingredients 2:
- 150 gr self rising flour OR cake flour
-5 egg yolks
- 75ml vegetable oil
- 100 ml coconut cream
- 1 teaspoon pandan essence ( please dont put too much coz it'll taste and look like play dough...ahhahahah.....that's what happened to my first one)

- Heat up oven at 170 degrees celcius
- Ingredient 1, mix everything and beat till stiff peaks form ( around 5 minutes with hand held mixer)
- Ingredient 2, put the flour in a bowl, make a well in the centre and put the egg yolks in, mix in one direction, add in oil and coconut cream slowly until you get a paste. Add in pandan essence. Mix well.
- Pour 1/3 of ingredient 1 into ingredient 2, mix well, add in the mixture back to ingredient 1, mix well.
- Pour into a chiffon pan or bundt pan WITHOUT greasing it with oil or flour.
- Put in oven for 30 minutes and turn down the temperature for 150 degrees celcius and bake for another 15 minutes or until it turns brown or an inserted cake tester/tooth pick comes out clean.
- Take cake out from oven and turn it over. Wait till the cake cools down then use a knife to scrape the side of the cake to help you get the cake out of the pan.
- While baking, NEVER OPEN OVEN DOOR

And i also baked a japanese cheesecake, you can get the recipe at . Go to the cheesecake section and look for japanese cheesecake. Forgive the decoration. It was my first attempt using a decorating bag so obviously I need more practice....ahhahhaha...

And today's church service was great, pastor Doery preached a great message on believing that God is a God that's able to turn the impossible possible. He is the GOd of abundance and able to give us the miracles that we need or have been praying for. That really lifts up my spirit and I really felt very encouraged.....Sooo..keep believing everyone, God is able....

Well..that's all from me for now........I attached some of the pics we took today.....enjoyyy.....

Friday, October 13, 2006

Weekend's here againnn....

Wooohhooo...weekend's here..but my weekend wont exactly be the type that I want it to be....why you wonder? coz I have to study...guess for the next one month I'm just gonna lock myself at home and study study study study......My final exam's coming up and I kinda regret haven't been studying as much as I should have prior to this...ahhahah...but ou well..what can I say.....It's my last semester, I'm finishing soon, why not enjoy the last bit of my student life coz working life will be absolutely different.....

For those who are having lovely hard, work smart...dont be too stressed out. Just do your best, I'm sure you'll be fine......My motto is : "Just do my best and God will do the rest."

If you're feeling stressed out, just stop and point forcing yourself when you know that nothing can go in anymore, take a short nap, have a cuppa coffee, watch tv, pray, just do whatever it is that can make you relax....and then start studying again....

I'm gonna make japanese cheesecake during the weekend...will post the picture and recipe up for you guys. I've tried the recipe a couple of times and my sister absolutely loves it...hahahaha..and me too.....

For those who havent tried jap cheesecake you gotta make this cake, it's soft, spongy, melts in your mouth and not as rich as normal cheesecake so you can have another piece if you want to. You can also add in green tea powder ( which you can get in asian grocery I suppose )to make green tea cheesecake. I've even tried brewing couple of bags of herbal tea and put it in, and it tasted absolutely fantastic.....!!!

Sooooo.......don't miss out my post for this recipe k? check out my next post...
chao chaooo.....

Saturday, October 07, 2006

with or without egg? well they just taste as good.... backkkk againnnn...ehhehehe...
wondering what my post this time is all about eh? and what a weirrrrddd titleeee...with or without egg?
who loves to eat eggs? be it cakes...they just taste great aren't they...
I personally loveeeee to eat matter how they are cooked they are just soooooooo yummy and tasty...whatmore they are always easy to prepare....well except for poached egg, I still havent found out the proper way to cook poached egg....those with runny yolks and perfect shape...anyone got any idea...please lemme know...would love to know how to make the perfect poached egg...

NOW NOW post today is aboutttt.....EGGLESS CHOCOLATE CAKE..some of you must have tasted it at some point....some of you havent.....i came across this eggless choc cake recipe early this week and it just loookkkkkkk sooo's baked in a bundt you can see in the pic......and they just look nice...

I baked it yesterday for my lovely friend Wendy's bday party....she's just such a lovely person..i dedicate this post to you's been such a blessing to know you and to have you as a friend....I'm glad that you enjoyed the bday party and you just look so happy and lovely...keep staying the way you are, keep being you coz you just shine.....You've been a blessing.....and pleaseeeeeee make sure you come back to MElbourne in the future kkkkkk? please please pleaseeee....ehehehhehhe.....

So i baked this cake to bring for her bday party, and it tastes's not as rich as choc mud cake but yet it's "chocolatey" enough and the best it it's not too sweet so that you can always go for second's also moist enough....and it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to make....and im serious.....anyone can make this just measure everything in a bowl and just use your arm muscle to mix it all togetherrrr...gosh how easy is's really worth trying....get the recipe at, look for eggless choc cake.......
