My Life

I Love God, my family, friends and love life. Enjoy being around people and make friends. Enjoy cookingg and of course EATING!!!....ahahhaha.....absolutely love what i am doing right now....Love shopping!!!...sleeping...ZZZZZZZZ......and just relaxing with a cup of tea and cookies....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

God the mountain mover

Halllllooooo.....gosh im back to share something incredible incredible incredible...ahhahaha...that's lots of incredibles....So what's so increadible? God's incredible for he's healed my dad.
So here we go, last year my dad went for heart check, he's got a bit of high blood pressure and high cholesterol level. So he went to penang at first for a test to check if there's any blocked arteries in his heart. The test at that time showed quite significant blockages of at least one of the artery, couldnt really remember which one, but i read the report and it did write that at least one of the artery was blocked quite severely. So last month my dad decided to go for another test. He went to singapore this time and he did this test called the thallium scan. So what this test does is to look at the circulation of the heart before and after exercise, and also to look at how well the heart is pumping blood. So I've been really praying that God will heal my dad of his heart condition. Being a medical student, I cant help but to know that heart condition is not a very nice thing to have ( for obvious reasons...).

So I've been praying and claiming for my dad's health, believing in God by faith that he's gonna heal my dad. I actually pray specifically that the test result will come out to be totally normal, that there will be no blockages of the heart arteries, and all the blockages will be opened and cleared. ANDDDDDD...yesterday my dad's secretary sent me a message to ask me about the test result, she sent me a short summary of what the report said. ANDDDD....PRAISE GOD, my dad's heart is functioning normally, the test showed no reduced heart circulation before and after exercise, there's no evidence of reduced perfusion of the heart,every part of the heart is beating strong with good output.....ALL IN ALL THE TEST DID COME OUT TO BE PERFECTLY NORMALLLLL.....HOW GOOD IS GODDDD!!!!!!...HE again came through for me and my family. Im just sooo in awe when i read my secretary's message and to be honest I still couldn't believe what I's just isnt God incredible or what. He answers prayers and there's no limit to what He can do. Remember, God has unlimited power but He's only limited by what we can believe in. If we believe for small things, then He can only do small things. But if we dare to believe God for big things, He surely can do big things. There's no limit to His power and this testimony is the evidence of it. God is indeed the mountain mover. He can move our mountains of troubles, problems, no matter how big they seem.

I hope this will encourage you if you're believing in God for a miracle in your life. Remember, there's no limit to what God can do. God's only limited by what we believe in. If your circumstances seem big, know that God is bigger.Don't put God in a box ( we cant even fit ourself in a box whatmore God...ahahha...). Don't put your hope in men, not even yourself. Proverbs 3:5 says" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."


Blogger Inoku said...

awesome-ness ! ^^

12:14 AM  
Blogger Casey said...

God is able. Never stop hoping, yeah? ;)

8:51 AM  
Blogger Casey said...

Leny! When are you gonna update ur blog? :)

10:32 AM  

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